Breastfeeding moms need this! It helps you easily nurse without having to hunch over. I love this so much that I even packed it in my checked bag on our first trip! (Yes, it took up a lot of room but was so worth it!) I also appreciate how it clips on, unlike the Boppy pillow.
The Lovevery wooden set may look cuter but this will entertain your baby for way longer! James absolutely loves this! It’s good for tummy time and for when we want him to entertain himself on his back. It’s great for tactile learning- he loves grabbing at all the things! His interest didn’t start until probably around a month but now he loves it so much!
I love this so much that I have three! (I started with one, then caved and bought more since I kept forgetting to bring it places… #mombrain.) One stays on his Doona car seat stroller, one stays on his Uppababy Vista stroller, and one stays at home. It comes with a hook attachment so I can easily attach it to the wrap when I’m wearing him so that he can sleep anywhere.
We first got the Doona and I thought I was done. One stroller, that’s it. But then my friend asked me what walking stroller I got- and laughed when I said “the Doona.” While the Doona is an AMAZING car seat and travel stroller, it shouldn’t be your only stroller. The wheels are simply too small and not good for bumpy sidewalks. So then we got a used Uppababy Vista 2017 off of Facebook Marketplace. However, after using it and loving it (it’s such a smooth ride!), we sold it and got the latest version (the Vista V2) since we plan to use this forever (it can be used with two, and even three, kids).
James didn’t love this lounger as much as I wanted him to, but I still love it. That being said, I wouldn’t buy this with my own money- it’s a great baby registry item if someone else wants to shower you with it, though! It is the background of his monthly milestone photos and a safe place to put him down in (for the brief periods of times he lets me put him in this). Its main competitor is the DockATot but I just think this looks so much cuter and comfier than the DockATot!
I got this when James had a cough at 6 weeks old, to add humidity to the nursery air. Supposedly humidifiers help babies breathe more easily and help them get rid of mucus. It really seemed to help James, so now we use it every night. I chose this humidifier because it shuts off on its own and has a “night” option where you can turn off all lights. I’m a huge proponent of removing blue light at night, so that was a huge reason why I chose this one! Plus, we already had the Levoit air purifier which we also love!
The Doona is essential for traveling with a baby, in my opinion! It becomes your car seat when you’re traveling, is super easy to check at the gate, and makes going in and out of the car a breeze. When we’re home, it stays in the car and is our errand stroller. It’s a complete back saver since you don’t have to lug around a car seat as it converts to a stroller with the push of a button. It comes with a base but you don’t need the base when traveling. You can easily buckle it into an Uber, Lyft, or rental car using their existing seat belt.
This towel is soft on Jamesy’s precious baby skin and I love the hood since it keeps his head warm. It also has the cutest little ears! Here’s one major tip that was a total game changer for us: when bathing your baby, throw this into the dryer on “warm up” mode so that it’s nice and warm when baby’s ready to get out of the tub! Before doing this, James would get so cold right out of the bath, but now he loves it!
I love this air purifier because it’s sleek, easy to use, and the filters are easy to replace. It also has a night mode where all of the lights shut off on the display, which is huge for removing light from the nursery. (I have the Levoit humidifier too and have loved it as well!)
Baby wearing has been a life saver! It is pretty much a guaranteed way that I can get James to take a nap. I can also get stuff done while wearing him, whether he’s asleep or not, since it leaves me with both hands free. I have two wraps: the Baby K’Tan Breeze and this one, the Boba Serenity. Honestly, I love both, but this one is softer and feels easier on my back. Harrison can also use it since one size fits all. The K’Tan is much easier to put on but has specific sizes, so it doesn’t fit Harrison. Another pro to the K’Tan is that you can wear your baby in multiple positions, while the Boba only allows for inward-facing babies. The K’Tan also folds up smaller. All that to say: both are great, and I’m glad I have both, but you really only need one wrap. I’ll let you decide which is right for you!
I wish I got this sooner! I got this when James was three months old, and we noticed him getting a flat spot on the back of his head. I think if we’d gotten this when he was littler, it could’ve helped prevent any flatness. I put this in his baby swing for two purposes: to prevent that flat spot and to prevent his head from falling forward if he falls asleep in the swing.
I’ve used multiple sizes of the Halo Swaddle Sleepsack as James has grown bigger. It’s an easy way to swaddle your baby and prevent them from waking up due to their startle reflex. There is a zipper for relatively easy diaper changes. It’s also easy to transition out of, too, as you can do one arm out, then two arms out, when they are ready for it.
I got this swing off of Facebook Marketplace since I wasn’t sure if James would like it or not. Suffice it to say, he generally loves it! But supposedly not all babies like swings, so this is a good thing to buy off marketplace or have someone else get for you on your registry.
I love these Blue Snail waterproof bamboo changing pad liners so much that I got a second set! (We have both upstairs and downstairs changing stations, so I have a set for each.) They help protect your changing pad cover and make for easy cleaning when poop escapes the diaper. When poop inevitably gets on one of these, I spray Shout on it, then throw it in the wash, and it comes out looking like new. They are also very soft, too, which is important for that precious baby skin!
If you’re wondering why I have a baby wrap and a baby carrier on here, let me explain my thought process. The wrap is great for baby wearing when your baby is young, squishy, and loves to be cocooned. The BabyBjorn Baby Carrier One Air (whew, what a mouthful!) is great for long distances (we plan to hike with it), provides great back support, and is much easier for husbands to figure out. It also allows you to carry your baby on your back, unlike wraps, which is especially useful when your baby gets older. I specifically chose the Air (mesh) version since we live in hot, hot Texas.
This has been worth every penny! This glider/ rocker/ recliner is electric and silently changes positions as you recline. Being electric also means it reclines slowly, instead of springing up quickly. That is key for breastfeeding moms and/or sleepy babies. (Jerky movements startle sleeping babies and can hurt mom if baby is latched on and feeding!) For a while when he was around 1 month old, James would fall asleep after nursing in the middle of the night- but wake up if I moved! So instead, I’d keep holding him and slowly recline so I could go back to sleep. We’d do that for some daytime naps, too. One more thing- it’s also got a USB port built in so you can charge your phone, too!
I love these for Jamesy’s monthly milestone photos! They are very reasonably priced.
I regret not having these before James was born! He had such sharp nails at the hospital and I was too nervous to clip them, so we ended up putting socks on his hands- and they kept falling off. These mittens stay on but aren’t too tight. Even with clipped/filed down nails, he sometimes scratches his face when sleepy, so we use them at naptime and overnight. They are for 0-6 months of age.
This rechargeable fan is a life saver on hot Texas days! We keep it in the car and clip it to whatever stroller we’re using at the time.
James will fall asleep in his stroller or car seat, but a few minutes after we stop pushing him or take him out of the car, he wakes up. I wanted a solution where there was still movement when the strollers weren’t in motion- and landed on this thing! Now, when we are stopped, we stick this under his seat and it helps him to nap longer! So if your baby is like ours, this should help! (I only use it for strollers because I don’t want him to expect vibrations on his crib).
Not only does James like to look at this during tummy time, but he loves to sit in my lap and play with it too! It has soft crinkly pages that he can touch (and try to shove in his mouth). One thing to note: the mirror on it is more like a fun house mirror (it distorts your reflection). James seems to prefer normal mirrors where he can see a clear version of his reflection.
A natural, real fan sound machine is so much better than a machine-made noise, in my opinion! We use this sound machine every night! I love how you can change the volume, too.
This night light has been crucial to nighttime feeds! It turns on by tapping the top and remembers your last light color. I keep it on red; red light is SO much better than normal light (even yellow light) at night. It helps baby know that it’s nighttime and prevents their circadian rhythm from being disrupted by bright lights.
There are some very expensive wipeable changing pads out there, like the Keekaroo peanut changer. If you’re looking for a changing pad on a budget, this Munchkin changing pad is perfect! I put one of these changing pad covers on it and a waterproof liner on top of that. (Note: Amazon also has an bundle option that also includes the Munchkin liners. I got the bundle but don’t recommend it. The bamboo liners I shared on this page are so much bigger, softer, and better.)
These silver nursing caps (aka nipple covers) were a lifesaver in my first month of breastfeeding! I had no idea how sore my nipples would get! On day four or five, I even had a few cracks on one, and that’s when I placed an order for these. I put them on for just a few hours and it literally healed the cracks. I was amazed! Truly a lifesaver! From then on (until I got used to breastfeeding), I’d wear these silver covers in my bra. Your bra keeps them in place and you just take them off when it’s time to breastfeed. Now I recommend them to any first time breastfeeding mom!
These are so soft and do a great job at cleaning up Jamesy’s spit up. However, if your baby spits up a lot, you’ll want a thicker burp cloth, like these Copper Pearl cloths that my friends swear by. But even so, these muslin cloths come in handy for cleaning up messes or as washcloths during bath time.
I did a lot of research on pack and plays to figure out which would be best for us. I landed on the Guava Lotus Travel Crib because it becomes the most compact and easy to carry pack and play. You can wear it as a backpack or fit it into a checked bag. (It will take up a lot of room in your checked bag, but at least it fits!) Side note: I also love how it is very neutral and can fit in with any decor. That way, we can keep it set up in our living room while James plays in it and it’ll look cute while being functional, too!
Definitely not a necessary baby item, but a very cute one! This crib sheet makes for the cutest background if you’re taking photos or videos of your baby in their crib! It fits in perfectly with our “classy safari” themed nursery!
These washcloths are so soft! I didn’t realize how rough normal washcloths were until I got these. We use them every day to wipe his face down before bed. And, of course, we also use them during bath time!
If you have a summer baby, this pool float allows your infant to relax in the pool! We got the go-ahead from our pediatrician to put James in the pool at 6 weeks old. So that’s what we did because Texas is hot, y’all! Young babies lie on this float on their tummies- it actually ended up being some great tummy time for James!
The BabyBjorn bouncer may be all the rage, but this Baby Delight Alpine Bouncer is a much more affordable version. Unlike the BabyBjorn, this one also comes with the mobile attachment, which James loves to reach for! This bouncer is portable so you can easily move it around the house. We actually just keep it in the master bathroom since it’s the perfect place to put James when I’m taking a shower or getting ready in the morning.
We got this baby tent when we took James to the beach and it was great! Totally kept the sand out and helped us keep him shaded. You can use it in all sorts of scenarios too. The only downside is it can be tricky to fold up when you’re done- do it carefully or you risk misshaping the tent like we did.
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