The 30 Most Instagrammable Places in Myanmar (And Which Spots to Skip)

Some gorgeous temples in Old Bagan, Myanmar

The three words I’d use to describe Myanmar would be pagodas, sunsets, and more pagodas. As such, there are so many Instagrammable places in Myanmar!

Myanmar is full of some remarkable pagodas and typically offers a gorgeous orange sunrise and sunset.

Just from that you can hopefully get the sense that this country is full of Instagram-worthy photo spots!

From a brilliant white temple in Mingun and the largest book in the world in Mandalay, to the golden temples in Old Bagan that are so numerous it would take weeks to visit them all, Myanmar should definitely be on your travel bucket list.

In fact, there are so many Instagrammable locations that there simply isn’t enough time to visit them all!

That is why in my list of 30 places, I’ve marked some that are okay to “skip,” just for the sake of time and knowing that there are more ‘grammable places to see!

So without further ado, here are the top 30 Instagrammable places in Myanmar, categorized by location.

Map of Instagrammable Places in Myanmar

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This region is first on my list simply because chances are you’ll be flying into Yangon.

I recommend spending just one day here, as this city is actually my least favorite in Myanmar.

There is a ton of traffic and it’s just kind of dirty- not my favorite type of place to visit on a trip (I’m a nature sort of gal).

It does, however, have some incredibly remarkable Instagram spots!

Keep reading to see!

1. Shwe Dagon Pagoda

Shwe Dagon Pagoda is definitely the most Instagrammable place in Yangon.

It should definitely be on your Instagram bucket list because of how beautiful it is!

It is huge and has a lot of picturesque corners, so be sure to walk around it completely to find the shot you want.

If you’re an early riser, come at sunrise! There will still be many people here, just not as many as there usually are!

2. Kandawgyi Lake

Karaweik Palace sits on Kandawgyi Lake. You can see it from the other side of the lake, as well as from its front steps!

You can’t actually enter it unless you have reservations, but you can still get the second photo you see here.

3. Mahabandula Park

(Skip it if you don’t have time.)

Independence Monument is probably the most Insta-worthy thing about this park.

It is right in the heart of Yangon, and is surrounded by the court house and other important buildings.

The monument is cool and all, but definitely not the prettiest thing that Myanmar has to offer, so if you are on a time crunch, feel free to skip this spot.

4. Inya Lake

(Skip it if you don’t have time.)

It is one of two lakes in Yangon (the other being the aforementioned Kandawgyi Lake), so your inclination might be to go check it out.

Well, unfortunately the lake itself just isn’t that photo-worthy. It’s more like a concrete basin filled with water.

However, there are pretty palm trees and manicured lawns on the popular walking trail beside it, though, if that is something you’re looking for!

5. Golden Rock (Kyaiktiyo Pagoda)

I classified this under Yangon because it’s the closest major city, but getting to the Golden Rock takes quite the trek- about a three and a half hour journey one way!

If I weren’t in a group with my family and it were just Harrison and me, I might be inclined to skip this, just because of the trek alone.

It’s more than just the distance- once you get there, visiting the rock entails taking a crazy, cramped bus ride up the mountain which takes about 30-45 minutes.

Even though the fog completely covered the view (there is usually an epic view from the top!), I’m glad I went.

The rock is really cool- they say you can slide a piece of paper underneath it completely! Science would say otherwise, but who knows!

Oh, also… Harrison flicked about five large spiders off of a tourist’s back on the bus ride back down the mountain. So there’s that.


Old Bagan is where you’ll find the highest concentration of pagodas in Myanmar. Because of that, I’d say this whole region is one of the most Instagrammable places in Myanmar!

If you’ve ever been to Angkor Wat, Cambodia, it has a very similar vibe!

As you drive down a few main roads, you’ll see pagodas right and left. They are all pretty Instagrammable, so keep your eyes peeled!

Here is a specific list of noteworthy pagodas you’ll find in Bagan.

You can do all of these excluding Mount Popa in a day, which is what we did. But if you have time, Bagan is worth exploring over two or three days.

Since we visited during the rainy season, no hot air balloons were flying. But if you get the chance, wake up at sunrise for an incredible golden morning with hot air balloons flying over Bagan!

Something else to note: you might see some Instagram photos of people climbing on pagodas to get a photo- this is highly discouraged.

You are no longer able to climb pagodas due to damage on the pagodas, so just keep that in mind when you visit!

6. Shwezigon Pagoda

This pagoda is shockingly beautiful with its gold domes and tiled floors!

Be sure to walk around the whole thing- it is a work of art! Definitely one of the most Instagrammable places in Myanmar.

7. Htilominlo Pagoda

Htilominlo reminds me a bit of Petra, Jordan- if Petra were a freestanding pagoda.

I love the symmetry here!

8. Khay Min Ga Temple

At Khay Min Ga, you’ll find a lot of small temples, so be sure to walk around to find a photo angle that you love!

Side note: I bought some breezy pants from a local vendor at Khay Min Ga- so you’ll see my outfit change after this point! I needed some airy pants with the sweltering heat!

9. Minochantha

This Buddhist temple has gleaming white marble floors which contrasts with the typical red clay or brick you’ll find in Bagan.

This is definitely a less popular pagoda in Bagan, so chances are you’ll be able to avoid the crowds here.

10. Ananda Temple

I love the way this temple looks!

If you exit the temple and walk around to the side (like I did here), there are a lot less people outside!

(Probably because it was so hot that day- no one wanted to leave the shade!)

11. Dhammayangyi Temple

This temple looks like it could be straight out of an Indiana Jones movie!

Tip: Instead of going right up to these pagodas for a photo, try taking one from a distance so you can capture the whole thing in it!

12. Gubyaukgyi Temple

Here’s another stately pagoda just begging to be put on your ‘gram!

As you walk along the entrance, you’ll find local artisans making crafts, like the woman you see in the second photo.

I love to support the local economy while I travel. These stands are a fun place to shop for souvenirs!

13. Thetbyinnyu Pagoda

This pagoda has a very distinct look- almost like a haunted house in my opinion!

14. Archaeological Ruins

Long story short, no matter where you go in Old Bagan, you’ll find some incredible pagodas left and right.

The pagodas I’ve mentioned here are just my favorite of the ones I visited in Bagan.

But truth is, you’re bound to discover some of your own to visit and photograph.

15. Bagan Viewing Tower

(Skip it if you don’t have time.)

This place has a great view of Bagan but it’s pretty difficult to get a shot with you in it.

Bring a zoom lens if you want to get close ups of the pagodas you can see from here. I used a 120mm lens to capture the second photo you see here.

Also, I should mention that it costs money to climb this tower, so if you’re trying to save money or get a photo with you in it, this is not the place.

16. Sunset Hill (Nyaung Lat Phet)

Here’s the type of shot you’ll get at Sunset Hill; this was taken with a 120mm lens.
Me on Sunset Hill.
This is the viewing zone- not so pretty.

(Skip it if you don’t have time.)

Similar to the tower (but different in that this place is free), Sunset Hill is probably only Instagrammable if you have a zoom lens and don’t want a photo with you in it.

(The best we could do for a photo with me in it is the one that you see here.)

The viewing zone is pretty ugly, but the view is beautiful. Add hot air balloons and the sunset view becomes spectacular!

It is a pretty popular place to watch the sunset (there was a crowd even in the rainy season), so you’ll probably have to avoid some crowds.

It seems like every tour group comes here- and the main reason why is because you can no longer climb up the pagodas for the view.

17. Popa Taung Kalat on Mount Popa

I love how Popa Taung Kalat on Mount Popa looks from a distance!

Instead of a city on a hill, you’ve got a pagoda on a volcano! That makes it one of the most Instagrammable places in Myanmar to me!

You can see the 700+ steps it takes to climb up to the top in the first photo here- you literally climb up the whole volcano plug on a staircase!

Once you reach the top, you get the view you see in the second photo.

Brace yourselves- there are monkeys everywhere as you climb up Mount Popa! My mom had to guard her water bottle closely from some thievin’ little monkeys.


18. Sunflower fields

Mandalay has some gorgeous sunflower fields! And anytime you see a sunflower field, it automatically qualifies as Insta-worthy.

We stumbled upon this private field on our way from Mount Popa to Mandalay. When we passed it I asked our driver if we could get out for a photo- so he asked the owner if it was okay and we got this quick shot.

You’ll find a much bigger sunflower field in Mandalay right at the center of the U Bein Bridge when you go down the steps. Its size and beauty makes it one of the most Instagrammable places in Myanmar.

It is in bloom most of the year, so it’s worth it to check it out when you are there!

There are also more fields around Myanmar- I would’ve gone looking for more if we weren’t with the whole family!

19. U Bein Bridge (Teak Bridge)

This is such a cool bridge in Myanmar- and definitely one of the most Instagrammable places in Mandalay.

It’s the oldest teak bridge in the world, constructed out of the remnants of a palace!

U Bein Bridge is a .75 mile long pedestrian bridge, and the perfect place to watch the sunset.

20. Mahamuni Buddha Temple

This Buddhist temple is huge and beautiful- it holds a golden Buddha statue and is a big pilgrimage site.

In fact, this Buddha is the most highly revered Buddha statue in the whole country, so make sure to be respectful here (and everywhere else, too!).

Females are not allowed to enter the room with the Buddha, but there is a lot to explore all around this temple.

21. Mya Nan San Kyaw Palace

(Skip it if you don’t have time.)

If you’re into history, you’ll love stopping at Mya Nan San Kyaw Palace (otherwise known as Mandalay Palace)!

It is the last palace of the Burmese throne- and is set up just like the kings had it in the 19th century.

So why am I telling you to skip it if you don’t have time?

Well unfortunately it is not the original- most of the palace was destroyed in WWII, so what you see now is a reconstruction in the 1990s.

There are a lot of more beautiful and original places to see!

22. Atumashi Monastery

King Mindon built this Buddhist monastery in 1957 after the Burmese capital moved to Mandalay.

Its name means “Incomparable” monastery, and it really is something else! My favorite thing about it is the stately entrance.

23. Shwenandaw Kyaung

Just a few steps away from Atumashi is Shwenandaw Kyaung, a remarkable teak structure.

It is historically significant because it’s the last remaining structure from King Mindon’s palace (Mya Nan San Kyaw Palace, which I mentioned earlier).

In fact, it used to be located on the grounds of the Mandalay Palace, but after King Mindon died in it, his son- the next king- had it dismantled and reconstructed in its current spot.

Why go through the trouble? He was convinced his father’s spirit haunted the grounds!

Good thing he moved it though, or it would’ve been destroyed during WWII with the rest of the palace!

24. Kuthodaw Pagoda

When I heard that Kuthodaw Pagoda held the largest book in the world, I was expecting a giant book to stare me in the face when I walked in.

But turns out, the pagoda itself is the book!

Kuthodaw Pagoda has 729 inscribed marble slabs in it; each of these pillars you see here is a different slab of text!

25. Su Taung Pyae Pagoda

(Skip it if you don’t have time.)

While Su Taung Pae Pagoda atop Mandalay Hill is a great place to watch the sunset, it can be hard to take a good Instagram photo here with you in it.

The main reason why is that there are so many people here waiting for sunset. But you could get lucky and find a spot without anyone in it!

And if you’re just looking for a beautiful sunset shot of the city, you can take a great photo with a lit up golden pagoda like the last photo here.


Mingun has two of my favorite pagodas in all of Myanmar!

You can hire a boat, take the ferry, or drive around the lake (about 1 hour and 15 minutes).

Whichever way you decide to get to Mingun, it is worth it!

26. Mingun Pahtodawgyi

Mingun Pahtodawgyi is an incomplete pile of bricks that is as remarkable as it is huge!

It was supposed to be the largest stupa in the world (and still would be!)- until an ominous prophecy halted the building.

In fact, what you see here is just the bottom third- the rest never got built, but you can imagine just how tall it would’ve been!

An earthquake caused this crack in 1839, and I think it just adds to the beauty of this place!

27. Mya Thein Tan (Hsinbyume Pagoda)

At last we’ve arrived at my favorite pagoda in ALL of Myanmar (possibly in the whole world?!)… Hsinbyume Pagoda!

This gleaming white pagoda is so beautiful it seems fake!

When I first saw it on Instagram, I though someone had photo shopped a magical palace into their photo!

But lo and behold- it exists!

Hopefully you can instantly see why it’s on my list of Instagrammable places in Myanmar!

Other notable spots

If I had more time in Myanmar, I definitely would’ve visited these three extra places!

Though I haven’t been to these spots myself, some of my travel blogger friends through Instagram have- so here are their photos for you!

28. Hpa An

Located east of Yangon, Hpa An has some incredible mountain sunrise views!

It is worth it to get up early for these photos- as you can see in both of these Instagram posts!

29. Inle Lake

Take a fun Instagram photo at Inle Lake with the Intha fishermen!

But did you know that they aren’t real fishermen? They are there for cool photos!

There are also some gorgeous pagodas nearby (the Indein Pagoda is my favorite) for more incredible views.

30. Ngapali Beach

Head to Myanmar’s west coast to find some gorgeous beaches.

Most notable of all of Myanmar’s beaches is Ngapali Beach. It has some incredibly Insta-worthy palm trees as well as views of the local fishing boats.

In conclusion…

Hopefully you see just how beautiful and Instagram-worthy Myanmar is!

If you know of more spots that I haven’t included here, please drop them in the comments below! (Or feel free to just say “hi” in the comments- that works too!!)

Safe travels,


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About the author
Picture of Jasmine Alley

Jasmine Alley

I'm a Dallas-based, full-time travel blogger with a serious case of wanderlust! Through my website and Instagram, I hope to help others plan picture-perfect trips to the most beautiful places in the world! When I travel, I like to emphasize nature, hidden gems, and unique places.
Picture of Jasmine Alley

Jasmine Alley

I'm a Dallas-based, full-time travel blogger with a serious case of wanderlust! Through my website and Instagram, I hope to help others plan picture-perfect trips to the most beautiful places in the world! When I travel, I like to emphasize nature, hidden gems, and unique places.
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